To encourage independence and self-respect in all residents, to offer residents the opportunity to make a choice whenever possible, which clothes they will wear, whether they would like to go out, at what time they would like to go to bed. To take overall responsibility for the general appearance of the residents allocated to your care. This will include bathing, attention to hair, fingernails, toenails, teeth and making sure that residents clothes are clean, well-fitting and in good condition, paying particular attention to footwear. All male residents should shave daily. To check that hearing aids, dentures, spectacles and other aids are in use where appropriate and to check they are clean and in working order. To ensure that call bells are within easy reach. To give drinks and make sure tissues etc are to hand, also books. To assist in the serving of meals, cleaning of tables and washing dishes. To supervise, assist and when necessary to feed residents at meal times. To take those residents who need help to and from the toilet during the day and to help them with commodes and bedpans when necessary. To cleanse and wash the skin of incontinent patients as often as necessary and to apply a barrier cream and pads. To carry out treatment prescribed by the doctor or Home Manager i.e. insertion of suppositories. To make beds, change sheets and pillowcases, wash pillows and mattresses and bedding as required, at all times making use of the clean linen and dirty linen baskets provided. To ensure that all residents clothing is named and that all items are in good repair when returning them to the residents after being laundered. To put away clean sheets and pillowcases and towels on their return from the laundry. Check numbers when necessary i.e. bath sheets. To keep sluices, linen cupboards and linen drawers clean, tidy and well-stocked and to keep all commodes clean. To accompany residents on visits to the dentist, optician, hospital out-patient departments and any other necessary visits. To assist in the arrangements of social activities and to encourage participation of all residents. To assist and encourage residents to remain as mobile and active as possible i.e. frequent walking, exercises and physiotherapy as required. To treat all residents with kindness and patience at all times To be ready to listen to the residents and to observe their behaviour and to report on it as necessary. To care for sick residents as directed by the Home Manager. To have a working knowledge of all that is involved in the work of the domestic staff and to be prepared, in the absence of domestic staff to undertake their duties. To take a report from the person in charge when going on duty. To be familiar with fire procedures and escape routes. ADZN1_UKTJ
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